Thursday, 31 March 2011

Saving Amazon

We need to save the amazon rainforest because of the following reasons:

---- It is the only place that contains 20% of the world's plants and animals species
---- It has endangered animals such as golden lion tamarin, golden poison dart frog, arowana, etc.
---- It produces 20% of the world's oxygen
---- Only by saving the trees, we can help to slow down the rate of carbon dioxide in the air which causes global warming

Below is a video of global warming

Special mentions

The Amazon rainforest is home to 25055527 species of plants and animals alone which makes it the biggest biome of biodiversity and is home to 128843 species of invertebrates. There are many species of rare animals that are not found anywhere else in the world, here are some examples:

Anaconda snakes: This snake is well known both for it's size and because it is very dangerous and is one of the most dangerous animal that lives in the Amazon Rainforest. We can say that today Anaconda snake has no enemies and that it is a rare animal which is not in danger in the Amazon Rainforest. These animals eat animals like monkeys, cats, fishes, crocodiles, other snakes and many other animals.

Poison dart frogs :  These frogs are known to excrete poisons from their poison glands found under their skin and the poison is the most venomous in the world. The local tribes roast the frogs to dip their arrows in the poison to hunt animals for food.

Toco Toucan : The Toco Toucan has been known to have a large and colourful bill made out of keratin which makes it ultralight and is used to catch its prey,(grubs, fruits, seeds and nuts) The toucan is known for its acrobatic way of tilting its bill back in mid-flight to swallow its food.

special incidents

The sad point is that the Amazon has already lost 20% of its natural vegetation and a football field of rainforest is being lost every day and scientists predict that the Amazon will be gone in the next 40 years or so. It is also known that the deforestation rate of the Amazon has increased up to 60% and it will be a pity if invaluable plant and animal species are lost forever.

The natural vegetation

The Amazon rainforest is known to house at least 40, 000 plant species and mostly have medicinal value. Some species include, Bromeliads, Heliconias, Kapok trees, Orchids, Water lilies, Coca trees and Castor bean plants. Two thirds of the world's plant species can be found in the Amazon and the forest can be split into five layers, the Overstory, Canopy, Understory, Shrub layer and the forest floor.

The climate

It is hot and humid all year round and its  average temperature is 26.1 degrees Celsius(79 Fahrenheit). The weather remains the same all year. It is perennially monsoon-like. During rain-fall season, the rain usually gives up to 60 to 180 inches of rain while during non-rainy seasons, the rain usually gives up to 30 to 100 inches of rain. The rain starts just as suddenly as they stop.

 View Image Overcast

Who lives there?

People living in groups in amazon rainforest are known as Amazon tribes. Examples such as:  Yanomami(the most famous tribe), Caboclos, Witoto, Manioc and the Kayapo. Most tribes are skilled hunters. They hunt to survive.

Tribe Picture 1 Yanomami tribe

The location of Amazon

It is located in Brazil, south of the equator. Its river is 2 to 4 degrees south of the equator. It is a tropical rainforest because of the climate. It covers Brazil, Peru, Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana. It is located in South America.
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Do you know...

Do you know where the amazon rain forest is? I hope that you have been wondering what is its eco-system is like? Here is the right blog that you are in. We give you an overview of the amazon rainforest. Do check out more of our blog.